Musical Theatre Writer Reel
  • February 2025: David Quang Pham, Great Performances Artist Fellowship Award Recipient
  • February 2025: Science Theatre Panel at BroadwayCon (Neeti Jain, Tjasa Ferme, Abigail Bender)
  • January 2025: Story Collider at Caveat
  • June 28, 2024: Concert Reading of Turnover: A New Leaf directed by Fang Tseng at The Tank's Pridefest
  • June 15, 2024: Film Shoot of A Couch With Personality directed by Caitlin Mayernik
  • March 17, 2024: The concert reading of TURNOVER: A NEW LEAF directed by Aliyah Curry at Abington Art Center in Philadelphia
  • February 3, 2024: Release of "Chemicals in the Water" music video on the 2023 Ohio Train Derailment anniversary, sung by Erick Carter as Benzene and Carla Mongado as Vinyl
  • November 2023: Theatre on the Verge is producing a concert reading of TURNOVER: A NEW LEAF at Abington Art Center in Philadelphia
  • November 18, 2023: LIFE AFTER in Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center's New York Public Library
  • November 10, 2023: Lecture Performance of ELLIPSES at Theatre About Science in Coimbra, Portugal
  • October 28, 2023: Sari-Sari Storybooks with Music; David Quang Pham works for Melinda Faylor in tech
  • September 9, 2023: Undiscovered Countries produced a concert reading of TURNOVER: A NEW LEAF
  • August 2023: David Quang Pham with his trombone joins the Queer Big Apple Corps
  • July 2023: David Quang Pham writes with David Henry Hwang, Martyna Majok, and Adam Gwon at BroadwayCon
  • June 2023: Queer Theatre Kalamazoo announces David Quang Pham's TURNOVER: A NEW LEAF production in their Season 10 announcement
  • March 19, 2023: Musical Theatre Factory featured David Quang Pham in their Sandbox concert at Signature Theatre, New York City
    March 2023: University of Coimbra invites David Quang Pham to join the Theatre About Science conference
  • February 2023: Another Way Interview
  • February 2023: David Quang Pham stage manages BAS at JACK
  • February 2023: Reviews for MilkyWay Theatre Company's industry reading
  • January 26, 2023: MilkyWay Theatre Company produced the sold-out industry reading of ELLIPSES in their First Annual Off-Broadway New Works Festival in Theatre 71 at Blessed Sacrament
  • September 2022: Harriet Tubman Effect Institute Commissions Composer David Quang Pham for the Launch of the New 52-week Dismantling Systemic Oppression Program: a New World
  • August 2022: A SYMPHONY FOR PORTLAND at The Player's Theatre
  • July 2022: Bay Area Playwrights Festival
  • July 2022: Colorado New Musical Festival
  • March 2022: MILLENNIALS ARE KILLING MUSICALS written by Nico Juber and directed by Ciara Renée; industry reading at Open Jar Studios and concert at 54 Below dramaturged by David Quang Pham
  • December 2021: Creating Something Out Of Nothing: Artists Thrive Despite the Pandemic (Zine) by C. Rose Widmann
  • December 2021: Celebration of New Works from Play Cafe
  • October 2021: Durban University of Technology DigiFest and Annual Research Conference

  • September 2021: Playwrights Foundation Literary Fellowship
  • September 2021: Another Way Interview
  • July 2021: Featured in The Dramatists Volume 23 Number 6 - The Season In Review Issue 2020-2021
  • July 2021: Working Title Playwrights Apprenticeship Concert Reading
  • July 2021: The Art of Adaptation Interview
  • June 2021: International Dramaturgy Lab
  • March 2021: Featured in The Dramatists Volume 23 Number 4 The Environmental Issue
  • January 2021: Story Collider
  • August 2020: Working Title Playwrights New Play Development and Dramaturgy Apprenticeship
  • July 2020: Cabaret on the Couch in Partnership with Musical Theatre Factory
  • April 2020: The Dramatists Guild and 24 Hour Plays Table Reading
  • November 2019: Downtown Urban Arts Festival Announces 2020 Finalists
  • May 2018: Induction into the Physics Honor Society, Sigma Pi Sigma
  • March 2017: Featured in The Guardian - How music is being used to treat autism
  • December 2014: Spamalot
  • December 2013: MLive - Beauty and the Beast
  • December 2013: Featured in WZZM13 - Toys For Tots Coordinator
  • David Quang Pham

    David Quang Pham (he★they)

    David Quang Pham is a science communicator, award-winning composer-playwright, and aspiring animation screenwriter in Washington Heights, Manhattan. As a Midwestern child of Vietnamese immigrants, they are drawn to stories about where life can go if you let curiosity take you. As a Vietnamese American scientist, Eastern fables and modern science inform his stories. His notable musicals that personify astrophysics, quantum mechanics, climatology, chemistry, entomology, and botany are respectively: Ellipses (2024 Syracuse NWNV semifinalist, 2023 Theatre About Science International Conference, 2023 Musical Theatre Factory at Signature Theatre, 2023 Milky Way Theatre Company at Theatre 71, 2022 Colorado New Musical Festival, 2022 O'Neill Theater Center semifinalist, 2021 Working Title Playwrights), Tour (2020 Downtown Urban Arts Festival finalist), The Seasoned Veteran, Chemicals in the Water, The Bookworms, and Turnover: A New Leaf (2025 Queer Theatre Kalamazoo, 2024 Great Performances Artist Fellowship Award, 2024 The Tank’s Pridefest, 2024 Theatre on the Verge at Abington Art Center, 2023 Undiscovered Countries Infinite Festival). He collaborated with Stephanie L. Carlin and Marie Incontrera on Life After (2023 NYPL Performing Arts at Bruno Walter Auditorium). He is writing Parallel University, an interactive musical, and other non-fables: The Control Freaks and The Poster Child, a TYA fantasy musical.

    David Quang Pham is the 2024 Great Performances Artist Fellowship Award recipient. Milky Way Theatre Company produced a sold-out industry reading of Ellipses in Theatre 71 at Blessed Sacrament during their 2023 Off-Broadway New Works Festival. Ellipses also performed internationally at the Theatre About Science International Conference in Coimbra, Portugal. At Theatre on the Verge’s New Musicals Festival, Turnover was nominated for Best Musical and won Best Book and Best Director (Aliyah Curry). Fang Tseng recently directed The Tank’s 2024 PrideFest concert reading. Queer Theatre Kalamazoo is producing Turnover at Jolliffe Theatre from May 16-18, 2025. Milan Levy is directing this production.

    After completing an astrophysics and theatre education at Michigan State University, he studied playwriting as the 2020-2021 New Play and Dramaturgy Apprentice of Working Title Playwrights, Atlanta. He was the 2021-2022 Literary Fellow of Playwrights Foundation, San Francisco. Composers Janelle Lawrence and Gonzalo Valencia-Peña mentor them, helping forge their musical styles from pop, punk, to Cai Luong. commissioned his music. His interviews with composers for Kennedy Center’s BIPOC Critics Lab are published in The Public and TheaterMania. Alexis Hauk interviewed him in the American Theatre Magazine’s Winter 2024 issue. He also consults on stories that explore STEM. His recent dramaturgical credits are Millennials are Killing Musicals by Nico Juber (2022 29-hour reading, Open Jar Studios) and Allies by Michael McGoldrick (2022 PPADC Hamilton Arts Festival). His recent stage management credit is BAS by Janelle Lawrence and Sugar Vendil (2023 JACK). He is a moderator at LMDA; a screenwriter for the We Forgot the Title sketch group; founding member of CreateTheater and the International Dramaturgy Lab; member of ΣΠΣ, ASCAP, and the Dramatists Guild. He plays trombone in the Queer Big Apple Corps, MUSE’s Sitprobe Experience, and professionally in Marching Band Casting. His moonbase is in Washington Heights. His earth is Wyoming, Michigan. Be up to lightspeed at and @sciencetheatre

    Translated from Lourdes Guzmán González: David Quang Pham (él) es un dramaturgista de la ciencia. Gracias a viajes juveniles a óperas y campamentos espaciales, ahora escribe cartas de amor a la ciencia y diseña historias desde sus ramas. Después de terminar su educación en astrofísica y teatro en la Universidad del estado de Michigan, estudió una mentoría en Working Title Playwrights (WTP) en Atlanta. Janelle Lawrence es su mentora. Su ópera subatómica, TOUR, es finalista del Festival Downtown Urban Arts 2020. Su mitología cósmica épica, ELLIPSES, es protagonizada por Singularity y sus adolescentes Galaxies y sigue su búsqueda para deshacer el Big Bang, después de que su perro Gravity lo desencadena. Este musical familiar fue desarrollado en talleres anuales con WTP junto con la dramaturgista Jordan Alexandria Ealey. Las canciones serán presentadas en la Universitdad Durban de Tecnología en octubre de 2021. En el Laboratorio Internacional de Dramaturgismo inaugural (International Dramaturgy Lab), su equipo Constellations construyó prácticas dramaturgísticas basadas en cosmología. Es miembro fundador de CreateTheater y miembro de ΣΠΣ, ASCAP y el Gremio de Dramaturgxs (Dramatists Guild).

    Artist Statement

    Animation and theatre are the best mediums to bring knowledge out of class and science out of labs and into the world. And throughout history, education and science literacy saved the world.

    Once my parents sent me to space camp and operas as a kid, science and theatre became inseparable. From them, there were many memories that have stayed with me: the traditional Vietnamese bedtime stories and fables, educational cartoons and theme songs from PBS Kids, and teaching math and science in summer school using those inspirations. In these moments, I realized that scientific processes and human development are parallel, and that the more society is educated about it, the more they will find light and richness in the connections they form with their fellow humans. My life’s purpose became science communication.

    My calculus teacher Eric Retan encouraged me to pursue storytelling when I turned his homework assignments into songs and narratives. I went on to attain an astrophysics degree and minor in theatre. After college, Reg E Gaines (Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk writer) invited me to New York when I was a finalist in his Downtown Urban Arts Festival. He encouraged me to continue writing scientific fables. Then, I studied playwriting and dramaturgy as the second Working Title Playwrights Apprentice in Atlanta and Playwrights Foundation Literary Fellow in San Francisco. My composition mentors are composers Janelle Lawrence and Gonzalo Valencia-Peña – who is also a physicist. I formally studied animation scriptwriting under David Weiss. I travel back and forth to Los Angeles to grow more acquainted with the animation industry. Now residing and producing in Manhattan for the past several years, the community – from Musical Theatre Factory and Undiscovered Countries – have come to know me as the science musical writer with work that represents Vietnamese sensibilities.

    When I write, I am not just telling educational fables – I am weaving together the sentiments of children of Vietnamese immigrants and ancestors, principles passed down through generations that speak to the power of Cai Luong folk music, spirituality, respect for nature, and the strength in community. For example, my astrophysics epic “Ellipses” follows the Galaxy family and their dog Gravity causing the origin of the universe, but it is about a family splitting up during a war-like tragedy and reconnection after an eternity of healing. “Ellipses” engages the public in astrophysics, family reconciliation, and cyclical nature of violence. My plant-based comedy “Turnover: A New Leaf” follows a mother-son pair of cilantros running a salon, but it is about what it means to earn one’s green card and let your loved one make queer friends. “Turnover: A New Leaf” engages the public in botany, immigration policy, and queerness.

    On our pale blue dot, I dedicate my time to writing songs and stories that weave together science communication with human stories to help the world make sense of themselves. Scientific and cultural literacy not only make you think – they get you to breathe.

  • Fun Science

    • "Photosynthesis" from Turnover: A New Leaf

      The formulaic song featuring Max Boone as Parsley and Kimi Handa Brown as Pyrus. Choreography by Director Fang-Tseng, Music Director Carla Mongado, Percussionist Ethan Lucas, Pianist Joshua Erickson, Guitarist Timmy Ong, and Violinist Emerson Cyrus Olson.

    • "Warps, Waves, and Wrinkles" from ELlipses

      The big production number near the end of first act when Milky Way learns to accept their adolescent self. The song is recorded by Working Title Playwrights Acting Ensemble featuring Evan Hill Phillips (Milky Way), Daniel Sakamoto-Wengel (Oort Cloud), Abby Holland (Uranus), Jason-Jamal Ligon (Saturn), Skye Passmore (Jupiter), Daniela Cobb (Mercury), and Minka Wiltz (Sun).

    • "Anomaly is Everything" from ELlipses

      The family favorite song of ELLIPSES. The song is recorded by Working Title Playwrights Acting Ensemble featuring Abby Holland (Triangulum), Jason-Jamal Ligon (Cartwheel), Skye Passmore (Whirlpool), Daniel Sakamoto-Wengel (Andromeda), and Evan Hill Phillips (Milky Way).

      "Anomaly is Everything" · ELLIPSES

      “Anomaly is Everything” is dedicated to Working Title Playwrights. Vocals: Abby Holland & Therecia Lang · Composer & Lyricist: David Quang Pham #Ellipses #AnomalyIsEverything

      Posted by ELLIPSES on Friday, January 1, 2021
    • "Parallax" from Ellipses

      Gravity is trying to get HD to relax. The song is recorded by Working Title Playwrights Acting Ensemble featuring Vallea E. Woodbury (Gravity) and Daniela Cobb (HD).

    • "Cutting Edge" from Ellipses

      HD wants to go to the Edge of the Universe. The song is recorded by MilkyWay Theatre Company's 2023 team featuring Isaac Williams (HD1), Maria Noriko Cabral (Gravity), Joseph Lee (Singularity), Karina Ordóñez (Cartwheel), Kristen Amanda Vargas Smith (Whirlpool), Carla Angeline Mongado (Triangulum), Yoosep Im (Andromeda), and Yasmin Ranz-Lind (Milky Way). The band is Simon Broucke (Pianist), Brandon Jackson (Percussionist), Jason Shu (Violinist), and Isabelle Wood (Guitarist).<

    • "Bounce" from Ellipses

      The choreographic opener and motif of the Galaxies. The song is recorded by MilkyWay Theatre Company's 2023 team featuring Flynn Jungbin Byun (Ing), Oscar E Chicaiza (Be), Kenedi Chriske (Tidal), Leigh Dillon (Tidal), Yoosep I (Andromeda), Chyna Jackson (Tidal), Chris King (Tidal), Joseph Lee (Singularity), Sabrina López (Tidal), Carla Angeline Mongado (Triangulum), Maria Noriko Cabral (Gravity), Karina Ordóñez (Cartwheel), Yasmin Ranz-Lind (Milky Way), Kristen Amanda Vargas Smith (Whirlpool), Caitlyn Somerville (Tidal), Eli Wassertzug (Tidal), and Isaac Williams (HD1). The band is Simon Broucke (Piano), Brandon Jackson (Percussions), Jason Shu (Violin), and Isabelle Wood (Guitar).

      "Anomaly is Everything" · ELLIPSES

      “Anomaly is Everything” is dedicated to Working Title Playwrights.

    • Hard Science

      "Big Bang" from Ellipses

      The violent altercation between Gravity, Singularity, and HD1. The song is recorded by Working Title Playwrights Acting Ensemble featuring Minka Wiltz (Singularity), Vallea E. Woodbury (Gravity), and Daniela Cobb (HD1).

    • "Time is Relative" from Ellipses

      Cartwheel and Whirlpool discover time together. The song is recorded by Working Title Playwrights Acting Ensemble featuring Jason-Jamal Ligon (Cartwheel) and Skye Passmore (Whirlpool).

      "Time is Relative" · ELLIPSES

      “Time is Relative” premiered for Working Title Playwrights, in celebration of Lunar New Year. This is the first draft's take of this song. This duet has drastically changed in the following drafts. Vocals: Kari Twyman & Skye Passmore · Stage Manager: Alexis McKay · Composer & Lyricist: David Quang Pham #Ellipses #TimeIsRelative

      Posted by ELLIPSES on Monday, April 12, 2021
    • "Crunch" from Ellipses

      The opening number when Singularity, Cartwheel, Whirlpool, Triangulum, Andromeda, and Milky Way pray together. The song is recorded by MilkyWay Theatre Company's 2023 team featuring Joseph Lee (Singularity), Karina Ordóñez (Cartwheel), Kristen Amanda Vargas Smith (Whirlpool), Carla Angeline Mongado (Triangulum), Yoosep Im (Andromeda), and Yasmin Ranz-Lind (Milky Way). The band is Simon Broucke (Pianist), Brandon Jackson (Percussionist), Jason Shu (Violinist), and Isabelle Wood (Guitarist).

    • "Entanglement" from Tour

      Boson entangles Quark in a research proposal. This song is recorded by Brian Egland (Boson). The guitar is played by Lee Cleaveland.

    • "Symmetry" from Tour

      The opening number when Atom, Lepton, Boson, and the particles start college in the Accelerator. The song is recorded by Diana Easter (Lepton), Brian Egland (Boson), Rina Lubit (Atom), and Rebecca Chan (Particles).

      "Symmetry" · TOUR

      “Symmetry” was unveiled at Musical Cafe: The SF Bay Area Musical Theatre Development Program on September 12, 2020 and at Musical Theatre Factory on September 21, 2020. Vocals: Rina Lubit & Diana Easter & Brian Egland & Rebecca Chan · Composer & Lyricist: David Quang Pham #TourTheMusical

      Posted by TOUR on Saturday, November 28, 2020
    • "Backscatter" from Tour

      Quark tells Lepton that they are ending their doctoral advisor-student relationship. This song is recorded by Diana Easter (Lepton) and Kami Visitsak (Quark).

      "Backscatter" · TOUR

      “Backscatter” was unveiled at Musical Theatre Factory on June 26, 2020. Vocals: Diana Easter & Kami Visitsak · Narration: Bianca Waechter · Composer & Lyricist: David Quang Pham #TOURTheMusical

      Posted by TOUR on Friday, July 10, 2020

    • SPACEY

    • "Undecided" from Parallel University

      The freshman is undecided in their major. This song is recorded by Sophie Sagan-Gutherz and orchestrated by Stephanie Carlin.

    • "Valence" from Tour

      Lepton tries to teach Quark that validation is unnecessary while they juggle orbitals of students. This song is recorded by Diana Easter (Lepton), Kami Visitsak (Quark), and Rina Lubit (Atom).

